Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

'Big 4' percentage of votes revealed

On PBB Celebrity Edition 2 primetime yesterday, the percentage of votes for the Big Four has been revealed.

As of 6:00 PM yesterday, Housemate A has 26.20%, Housemate B has 25.53%, while 25.08% for Housemate C and 23.19% for Housemate D.

I think, Housemate D is already secured with the spot and will stay that way until the Big Night, which is tonight, at the Araneta Coliseum.

It's a close fight indeed especially for the Housemates A, B, C and might interchange until the last minute.

On Mykiru's poll, as seen on the sidebar, it's most likely to happen. Will might be the Housemate D, while Housemate A, B and C could be randomly Gaby, Riza and Ruben.

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