Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Simon McMenemy and Rahma Azhari Twitter Photos make headlines in Indonesia | Simon is disappointed!

Simon McMenemy, the British coach of the Azkals, has already reacted
on the Twitter photos of him and Indonesian actress Rahma Azhari.

On Monday, December 20, Rahma Azhari posted these photos (with captions) on Twitter, which were taken on Sunday night after the Azkals lost to Indonesia.

Simon McMenemy Rahma Azhari party photo
RaAzhari: "Hhmmm goodbye Simon, have a nice trip back to Manila xoxo"

[Mykiru: The above photo was cut off at the bottom part because Rahma's b**bsies are too distracting on close-up]

Simon McMenemy with Indonesian women

RaAzhari: "Good companion...Good new friends...Good conversation...And
definitely good times..."

Rahma Azhari with Philippine coach
RaAzhari: "He's just a friend...what a lovely person..Glad to actually
met him! Had a great time!"

Those Twitter photos of Simon McMenemy and Rahma Azhari immediately went viral on the internet after they were posted. The 2nd photo above was even shown (with no malice) on ABS-CBN's Bandila.

In Indonesia however, the photos quite caused a stir and even made it as headlines on atleast two major news sites.

Jakarta Post titled its article as "Philippines coach, players party
in Twitter pics" and it says that the photos were allegedly taken at a nightclub in Indonesia.

The report also took notice of Simon's arm wrapped around Rahma's waist.

Another news report entitled "Photos show Indonesian Actress partying with Philippines Coach" from Jakarta Globe states that it was McMenemy who first approached Rahma at the said party, based on the actress' tweet written in Indonesian language.

Yesterday, December 21, Rahma logged in on Facebook and posted a message on Simon's profile wall, sayin' sorry for what happened.
"Geez, I'm so sorry about all the media frenzy Simon..! They totally make a big deal out of nothing here in Jakarta, I'm like wondering you took pictures with all the others, but surprise surprise they just can't stand to see the 1 with u and me in it, crazy huh? Well hope everything is okay, send my regards to the team and definitely to your
loved ones, cheers."

Simon did not respond to Azahri's wall post but instead posted his own shoutout last night, expressing disappointment with the Indonesian press and telling everyone that he only has one girl in his life.

"Thank you for all the kind words and support. The Azkals will be
back......Embarassed and disappointed at personal events as we left Indonesia...Lessons learnt the hard way. Disappointed in the press'
reaction but to be expected I guess. Thanks for all the love and support throughout our journey together, you fans are what it is all about. Off home to the UK for Christmas, with the only girl in my
life. May santa be good to all of you," Simon said on Facebook.

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