Selasa, 06 Januari 2009

Rhian Ramos sparkles in MEGA Magazine this January, 2009

I must admit that during her early days in showbiz, especially when she was launched as Richard Gutierrez's leading lady in Captain Barbell, I didn't like her.

I did not like the idea of giving her the role, because she's a neophyte and I haven't seen her face in any GMA shows.

There was also this gossip that Rhian was given that important role all because she is the niece of GMA exec Ida Henares.

Since then, a lot of negative controversies, anti-Rhian e-mails and bad publicities haunted Rhian until everything changed in the last quarter of 2008.

Her portrayal of Lalo and Lola in Lalola has changed the views of those against her. People got to like her since Lalola started airing last October.

I must say, Rhian can definitely act, has great screen presence and very beautiful.

True enough, MEGA Magazine has also seen these things about her. In their January 2009 issue, MEGA has Rhian on its cover, with a special feature about her being discovered from a TV commercial, how she evolved as an actress and her image transformation.

Rhian also shares that the public does not anymore see her as a 'suplada' since she starred in 'Lalola'.

Here's an excerpt from the magazine article:

When film producer Annette Gozon-Abrogar discovered then 16-year-old Rhian Ramos in a McDonald’s Jelly Trio TV commercial in 2006, she not only discovered a pretty face, but a very promising gem of an actress as well.

When GMA-7 gave her the lead role in LaLola and re-introduced her to the public as one of the network’s hottest female stars, Rhian didn’t disappoint. LaLola is an adaptation of the original Argentinean telenovela about a playboy named Lalo who literally becomes a woman, Lola—thanks to the magical abilities of a brokenhearted ex-girlfriend’s sister.

Portraying Lola demands charm, versatility, character credibility and an uncontrived comedic savvy—which the 18-year-old actress pulls off with much ease. According to her, costar Wendell Ramos—who plays the character of Lalo—was her inspiration for the role. She shares, “There’s a difference between playing a tomboy and actually being a man. So I prepared for the role by officially becoming Wendell’s official stalker. I followed him around with my camera phone and captured his every move. I would even ask him, ‘Wendell, pretend that I’m a girl you like. How would you approach me? Ready, set, go!’ And he was kind enough to actually do it and play along.”

LaLola premiered on October 13 last year—to great reviews—and with the highest rating in the primetime category. She muses, “LaLola is perhaps the funniest thing I’ve ever done. In Captain Barbel, I really wanted to get the role of Kit, a tomboy who’s secretly in love with her best friend. Instead I got Lea, which wasn’t a problem ‘cause I fell in love with Lea… But I’m more comfortable with the role of Lola as compared to Lea since Lea’s role is always mahinhin (docile), demure all the time, whereas with Lola, it doesn’t matter kung palaging nakabukaka (if my legs are always spread apart).”

Even at the start of her career, Rhian had always wanted to play a tomboy role. “I prayed for a show and a role like this for a long time. I was doing the same ‘damsel in distress’ roles for a long time, and I wanted something different. I wanted to be excited and to feel challenged again with my job and with what I’m doing. So I finally got what I wanted, although instead of playing a tomboy, I actually had to play a guy,” she reveals.

Just as the show revolves around the transformation of a man into a woman, many positive changes opened up for Rhian in real life. The actress says, “LaLola is a very ‘freeing’ show to do. Before I was so self-conscious in front of the camera. But now I’m not.” She also says that because of the comedic role, she has had more people approach her in public and freely talk to her. “They don’t see me as suplada (snooty) anymore,” she notes.

Get more of Rhian Ramos in the January 2009 issue of MEGA.

For now, here are two scans of Rhian in MEGA Magazine:

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