Selasa, 12 Februari 2008

The confessions of Robbie Klay

South African singer and actor Robbie Klay is making a loud buzz in South Africa after he admitted to Beeld newspaper that he was s*xually abused for seven (7) long years by an influential entertainment personality, who he calls as "The Uncle".

Klay, who is now 21 years old, confessed that the abuse started when he was ten (10) years old and continued until he was sixteen (16).

To quote from a report by

"I'm not speaking out now because I want revenge. I partly informed my mother about the s*x incidents last year because I was afraid, insecure and nervous.

"I have also told my fiancée.

"I don't want to destroy his life, and therefore don't want his name to be revealed. (He told the man's name to Beeld.) He is very well-known.

"I want to tell children to immediately seek help if something like this happens to them.

"But I must be honest - now that I'm grown-up, I wish I could have just one chance to hit him.

"I'll break his neck."

"It was terrible and I later went there as little as possible for fear of what would happen.

"He made me believe that it was right for me to touch him. He recorded videos of me n*k*d in the pool.

"He often told me it was our secret and that I shouldn't tell anybody. Today I can understand why he didn't want anybody to know.

"When I started dating, he was very possessive. I had to tell him everything, where I took the girls and when we had s*x, especially when I met the mother of my daughter.

"I was 16, but he was still touching me. I didn't know how to stop it. I remained silent, because I was scared. I was afraid that my career as a singer might suffer, because he is very powerful in the entertainment industry."

"I later realised he was obsessed with boys. I found photographs of boys on his computer. There were also photographs of a n*d* boy."

"The incidents were sickening.

"As a young boy I wondered if I was gay and I agonised over it. "

"I am totally negative about men. I cannot communicate normally with men."

After the confession, Robbie has expressed again to how he has been overwhelmed by the messages of support from family, fans and friends.

As of latest development, Klay's revelation has also paved way for two more victims by the said "uncle" to make their own confessions.

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