Minggu, 03 Februari 2008

Brad Pitt is the perfect man

If you were to undergo a plastic surgery, what part(s) of your body would you like to change? Would you want to have a face of Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie? or like that of Michael Jackson?

In a recent survey in Melbourne, Australia conducted among the patients of 20,000 plastic surgeons in the whole world, Brad Pitt is the #1 choice for men planning for a surgery.

According to the respondents, Brad Pitt is almost perfect, for being a popular choice for eyes, nose, lips, cheeks, chin, abs and buttocks categories.

His sweetheart Angelina Jolie of course has the most sought-after lips among women while Pamela Anderson is the ultimate choice in the b**bsy category. It was however reiterated that the female respondents don't necessarily want to look like Pamela even if they like her b**bsy the most, more than any other. (lol)

Here's the survey results:

Perfect forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, chin, buttocks & abdomen - Brad Pitt
Perfect chest - Arnold Schwarzenegger
Perfect legs - David Beckham

Perfect forehead - Elizabeth Taylor
Perfect eyes - Angelina Jolie/Sophia Loren/Elizabeth Taylor
Perfect nose - Nicole Kidman
Perfect cheeks - Sophia Loren
Perfect lips - Angelina Jolie
Perfect b**bsy - Pamela Anderson
Perfect bottom - Jennifer Lopez
Perfect legs - Cameron Diaz

Faces they don't want to look like - Pamela Anderson/Dolly Parton/Victoria Beckham

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